When it came time for the website to be renewed, I let it expire. At the time I greatly lost interest and motivation for doing any additional customs. I would start a custom for MicroWI and complete that if I was lucky, but I wasn't doing anything else custom related. My interest had been diverted elsewhere as other hobbies, memberships, work and home took precedence over my custom hobbies.
In the beginning of 2014 there was some interest by some family members of mine to start a website focused on their new endeavors. So I began working on that. While cleaning in my office at home, I came across a CD disk labeled websites. It contained all my old files from many different website projects I have worked on over the years. After looking at the old MicroER files I realized that I let down the hosted artist that I had on the website. So With that in mind and my newest Mac and RapidWeaver program, I began laying the groundwork for the return of MicroER.
I am getting back into customizing, for myself and for others. I plan on designing new parts and components for Micronauts and Microman that are compatible with our beloved toys. I will be dabbling in casting and molding again. We will see where this takes us.
The hosted artist section I am happy to say is back up. If anyone would like there artwork hosted here, I am happy to do so.
Best wishes and Happy Collecting and Customizing
Jeffrey the MicroDoc